abstraction written in response tae thi westrin reaction
tae thi nuclear weapons tests o india n pakistan
ah awake apon thi gully’s lip
daydaw drookit fae freezing mists
whae bite hail chunks oot thi yird
yit dinnae wheesht thi sigh n hiss
ae yon hidden quine’s passion
n ben thi wet n blearin fog
braw limbs appear strang n flext
n next thi glint o awesum forms
thit ah risin tae reach fur mak
flick a tail oar mane shak
iz heavy hooves spit n spark
tae thunnur n clickity clacks
thit fade fast tae nocht
but boomin void n crippling loss
n ainly thi echo
ae hur rapture remains
soothing n slittin ma sowl
keepin mi quick
keepin mi gaun
thi warheid cerriers ur boaxes black
muckle coffins buhlt tae haud
hail planets
they move apon muckle wheels
ur driven bi sodgers
wae flat faces hid ahin glesses daurk
naebdy tawks thi gerd dugs ur silent
thi civilian polis aw fashed n feard
abdicate ony responsibility tae m o d
ootriders whae drawin near
cry oot imperious n clear
panickin ah claw et thi caverns ae ma skull
try tae excavate solid shapes tae fuhll thi gaps
stomp doon haurd apon thi grun
try tae force intae existence
a proper synergy atween ma movemint
n gravity’s compliance
ah gret n bled tears oour this
till thi air ( reactin mibbe
tae thi scent o salt n copper ) split
n furra seccin sum queer cratur twitcht
its ugsum neb intae oor sunlicht
ah turnt swift tae try n catch
a fuhllur look it this blear oan ma vision
n fun thi air sealed thi beast gane
ainly specks o stoor n insects glintin
oan thi sun’s fat wahrmth
n me gowpin
et nuhhin
ma skin frozen
ilka hair oan ma boady risen
thi leather paddit polis fae thi m o d
breenges eez motorcycle thru a clamjamfry
o civilian polis n dissidents
whae ur tryin tae explain
thit thi road afore thi main security gate
o thi nuclear weapons base
hus a tunnul noo dug ablaw it
thi civilian polis ur pale n panickt
ordered tae keep those caught in wan place
they ken they shd try n check thi road
yit cannae git the necessary permission
thur radios dumbed tae cracklin
by the moontins encircling
voices scream iz mair ootriders appear
fallyed by thi furst escortin polis wagons
n then apon thi hill atween tarmacadam n sun
treblinka slaw n steady n sure
thi convoy comes
eddies boarn fae virr n violence
hidden oan thi ocean’s flair
thrust mi upwards noo past
lang lines o streetchin shadaes
thi mere images n ideas
o wummin men n bairns
lik woondit ribbons rippling
intae a focus a black n grey
then vanishin forever back
intae thi cauld sea’s belly
there thi island bhoys ur dancin
hail limbed again in uniforms braw
sparklin in a galaxy o plankton
yin n aw steppin oot in perfect time
yit ben thi glaur n lime o france
thur fine young faces wur left ahin
n lollin atop thur boadies’ ilka hop n prance
thur bonny skulls gae rollin
lik crackt urns spillin
barbed thorns n razor wire entwinin
roon strips o peellywally skin
then roon mi swirlin n jiggin stuhll
each sqwaddie passin gies a bow
n tries ti bless mi wae a kiss
n ah haudin ma hauns tae ma pleadin lips
ache fur thi rip o steel thi rip o wid
but thi ocean’s fingurs tak a grip
a ma hair n hurl mi upwards
n oan tae dry land
govanhill et gloamin
yon weird glaw thit hings uncertain
atween fuhll day n fuhll nicht
hidden sun street neon nearest planet skinklin
afore mi a thin blackniss smears thi air
ah stoap ma movemints furra moment
iz tenemints n dugshit n caurs
cursin n coughin tae n fae wurkshifts
graw wheesht n buckle fae ma sicht
ainly yon blackniss fuhllin ma vision
dimensionless n endless yit sumhoo assumin
shapes o breists n hips n whit may be
wings baetin oar a multitude o erms
thi grun unnur ma feet slips
ahm liquid rushin storm river fuhllt
december 1997 britain votes agin
a u n proposal tae begin negotiations
tae git rid o aw nuclear weapons
this despite thi u k bein a signatory
tae thi non-proliferation treaty
thit calls oan nations tae reduce thur nuclear arsenal
britain feels these weapons huv an important role
in protectin britain’s vital economic interests
britain spends bullyins oan its trident weapons system
aw nuclear warheids bein based in scotland
sumwayes atween a growl n a sigh
thi soon ae hur birthin reaches mi
kisses ma hert intae motion
skails blood scaldin
intae ma hert tae quicken
draws thi skelf ae ma boady
fae thi pysin o its dwams
moves mi tae rise up n walk
n izzah seek hur grawin growl
ah come apon a brek in thi land
whur sherp edged stanes mimic shrapnel
n sneerin roots reach oot lik hauns
tae grasp ma ankle banes
izzah descend wae canny step
thi rock rimmed wa thit rolls
grey n wet doon intae thi gully’s gut
n staunin apon thi gloomy flair
ah ken fae thi silence shi isnae here
yit sense instead thi queer black stare
ae sum ithir cratur stab mi
n looking up see thur abune mi
poised apon a skinny ledge
swift suspicious n nearly fled
an unco chiel colort oarinj n rust
whae turns tail ti mi
n vanishes
millennia pass thru beelin rid
iron white hiatus n temprit green
then yince mair
screamin tempest
while fetters free n decayin n creatin et will
molecules fae foost frozen ben thi north
awake et furst iz monocellular beings
whae touch
n feelin toucht
move oceans wae thur sensibilities
n limitit ainly by thur ain sensuality
cowp oot an infinity o colors n shapes
geein form tae ilka sensation
till clabbydhus n anthropods
sing n dance apon sea n sod
n lochs coorie ben eon eruptit rocks
izza chaos o burds n suns n munes cross
oour ma shape
layin claithd in lichen
its ainly motion thon singul tear
trevlin thi topography
ae ma crackt face
thi convoy wiz in a near miss incidint
wae a royal air force jet thit crasht
while practising manoeuvres tae slaughter unarmed muslims
thi secrecy o thi convoy means thit local cooncils n residents
o toons n cities n villages it passes thru urnae informed
emergency services ur likewise kept ignorant
thi civilian polis wullnae meet oor stares
iz thi convoy draws nearer tae thi turn in thi road
thit leads tae coulport’s security gate n thi tunnul
ah draw closer tae hur milk spat
n gore smeared limbs
tae hur voice noo hissin thi rain apairt
n knifin cloods tae nuhhin
thi day graws clearer
thi path tae thi hill
rises certain
ah run noo pechin
ma sweat a river rushin
storm fuhllt oour skin eroding
clert n lanelyniss
apon thi hill’s peak ah look doon
intae a glen o rich broons n greens
o fields n wids n thi siller o burns
carved intae thi landscape’s skin
ben ma heid a wurd slips
becomes tomb ahm confused
a fraction ae ma mind hus gane glaikit
ahm aware ae thi space
wur vowels n constinints shd sit
thi grun moves oot ae sync wae mi
ma fit shooduv made contact wae thi irth awriddy
yit thur exists an inch o air stuhll tae trevil
this extra descent thru molecules o oxygen jars mi
thi inability tae fathom thi absence o wurds
thi inability tae lay laws o restraint apon thi gaps in thi air
touches ma hert lik a brandin iron
burns flesh n cripples mi
ah lay amang thi bite o rocks
n thi freeze o thi ocean’s edge
watchin nicht n day birlin
ayont distint bens
in thi licht thi rain oar haar
oar bruising sun ruin ma form
in thi daurk fiery starns parallel
cliffs n crags telling nuhhin
aboot this land cept it gaes oan n oan
while ah lay motionliss
february 1998 britain plans thi racist murder
o iraqi men n wummin n bairns
tae alloo thi new labour government
tae appear poo-urfuhll n decisive
tae mak tony blair appear a warl statesman
is this thi war thi generals n politicians
feel it bi safe tae yaise a nuclear weapon in
wae thi false justification thit it wd incinirate
ony biological oar chemical material released
thus letting nuclear weapons bi testit
in modern economic political conditions
n if thur wiz nae response oar escalation
wd alloo nuclear weapons tae bi seen
iz normal strategic erms
ben thi black ma skin scrapes aff
n aw ma thochts n aw ma days
ur broken gless n salt
ah hear n feel in crammasie
insanity pitchin ma form furrit n back
ma een burth tears ma mooth geez shape
tae syllables sensliss
n sinkin furthur ablaw
this boomin black ocean
ah greet n laugh et nuhhin
it aw hings
an extremist in ma appreciations
ah herm naebdy
thi tap n tail o man’s progression
extermination izza measure o cohesion n order n evolution
thi sang o burds replaced bi microwaves n electric pulses
fae mobile phones n mass communication advancin
biotechnology n thi genetic revolution
a paradigm o tartan
profiterin fae thi scraps remainin
efter thi liquidation o thi genuine
noo oor muthur shuddurs fae another son’s punch
blast eftir blast rae hur womb iz hippocrits thunnur
aboot india n pakistans’ threat tae warl stability
thi five permanent members o thi unitit nations security cooncil
aw hae sic equally illegal weapons o genocide
n thi ability n willingniss tae yaise thum
thi example is set
tae bi feared n respectit n influential in thi affairs o thi irth
a nation maun bi seen tae huv thi technology
capable o causin mass extinction
this a psychic iz weel iz physical proliferation
whurs thi rhythm o feet thit jig
apon skulls thit brek
while angels acquiesce in bronze silence
n families seal aff streets
iz wan human’s form amazes us
wae thi volume o blood it spills
afore stoapin
whurs thi simmir quine tae wummin turnt
whae toucht mi afore thi hairst began
whae strippt mi when blue air streecht abune
n thi ayeways green n thi soles ae oor feet
kisst thi irth aroon
thi blank braes swally ma questions
reply wae echoes thit sting lik venom
ma ilka wurd ma ain condemnation
fae heather pink floo-urt n midge buzzed
mair dissidents appear n rush
afore thi convoy wae whistles n drums n yells
a haun flings a paint bomb et thi furst truck’s windae
thi convoy halts
furra moment thi holocaust pauses
then thi arrests begin
cock sair n sowl sair
n sair in ego n id
ah look fur hur whaes rasps n spits
hae puhllt mi here
n seein hur finally
draped in black n shiftin
apon thi winds ablow
ma legs buckle mi intae
thi tears ahv sown
she is nuhhin
shrieks n cries n groans
spat fae thi snappin jaw
ae thi ayeways cursed
hated n bemoaned
hoodie craw
khali’s cunt kin mak thi deid arise
bring blossom tae thi yird thit suffurt
humanity’s demise thru chemical biological
genetic nuclear profit wealth war n suicide
eden again
yit horrific tae me clutchin
ma knees tae ma chin
pleadin tae thi indiffrint glen
whurs thi passion n art
fuck ups n thi sins n quiet beauty
o homo sapiens
thi gerds ur screamin queer n high pitcht
ahm layin amangst thi gorse wunnerin whaes been caught
ah kin hear thur walky-tawkys hiss
n thur unleashed dugs pant fast in thi simmir’s heat
iz they search fur us whae lay n ache n wait
tae blockade thi convoy bringin
thi nuclear warheads intae scotland
measuring thi twentieth century in limbs
limbs broken limbs stoor limbs nuhhin
but grease oar shadaes o fadin loves
thi labour government attempts
tae provoke war wae iraq
haein awriddy succeeded in yaisin uranium tippt shells
tae irrediate bairns wae leukaemia while destroyin hospitals
this time britain seeks thi opportunity
tae strategically yaise a nuclear warheid proper
it thi very least thi very threat
tae yaise nuclear weapons serves
tae blood thi peoples o thi british isles
git thum use tae thi idea
thit thi british state
wull wan day calmly yaise
genocide izza measured ethical response
scotland’s political leaders choose
tae support this obscenity
oar else haud thur wheesht
galaxies o gaeltachts burn
iz thi burners learn phrases o gaelic
tae gee a smear o corporate ethnicity
tae thur promotion o empire n inhumanity
tawk tall o dissent in iraq
huvin ermed thi torture chamber gerds
huvin murdurt five hunnur thoosin bairns
then sayin failte tae westrin democracy